Wednesday 4 August 2021

Breaking: Dreamfo 2021 Rekindling Sweet Dreams For Widows And Widower


As the ageless maxim goes, ‘Tables  Turn.’ indeed.

Going by the unfortunate ‘Turn Around for Bad ‘ experiences  of countless victims on this enigmatic planet called earth, dreams, wealth, freedom, comfort, aspirations, love and even life itself can suddenly and without warning, disintegrate right before ones very own eyes;, just like the ephemeral plumes of smoke, by processes often orchestrated by circumstances which are beyond one’s control.

As it is, widows and widowers are particular groups of people whom have suffered loss; yes; the loss of a dear loved one ; their better-halves, and just as in the love of doves, many have lost the desire to go on often mostly due to despondency and depression which replace love and life in most cases. It is also equally unfortunate that many eventually thread the path of their departed to end their lives in tragedy because there was no timely care, love, counseling and rehabilitation for them during and after their period of bereavement. The  writer of this piece is also a widower and he also experienced the emotional and psychological trauma such scenarios inflict on a victim and his summation is that one does not fully recover emotionally, but it can be gradually managed by indulging in beneficial educational and interactive  activities specifically designed for such purpose.

Well, there’s good news for the writer and the other countless widows and widowers here in Nigeria and even beyond these shores. 

DREAMFO WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS FORUM, a platform created and facilitated by the wonderful, kind-hearted CEO ,  Mrs. Oluwabunmi Ojo Afolabi; an Amazon gifted and charged divinely with the visionary mandate of rescuing and uniing forlorn and coping widows and widowers in Nigeria and England, will be hosting widows and widowers from the 6th-8th of August, 2021 at the prestigious ORANGE RESORT 151, MCC ROAD, CALABAR, CROSS RIVER STATE FOR ITS SPECIAL SEMINAR  SERIES with the theme ‘RISING FROM THE ASHES OF LOSS.’

The seminar, which has been hosted in the past in many other major state capitals including Lagos, Jos, anambra, owerri, calabar and internationally, London. 

Other Exciting aspects of the 3-day convergence are Health Check and Talk, seminar on how to rise from the ashes of loss,  and the electrifying climax , the Gala and Award Night where participants will be celebrated and accorded due honour.

However, other invisible but certain unmentioned element of the  event as envisaged by the writer shall be the natural rekindling of dead/dormant embers of the fire of LOVE, LIFE and HOPE.

Believe this; a TSUNAMI  of new-found emotions shall rise within the everest cold confines of the innermost recesses of many bleeding and hardened hearts to completely melt and erode the ugly scars  and sores that the vicious talons of death and depression had inflicted for long ever so callously, by the forging of new love alliances and warmth of hope.

Without any iota of doubt, this is a golden opportunity for widows and widowers to chart a true course amid rough waters with confidence and knowledge.  It is an opportunity that should never be missed.

Widows And Widower forum. Spearheaded by Dreamfo.

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