Wednesday 26 July 2017


Eruku mesi omo ooni a small London in one of the outskirt of Kwara State  who has its leadership, educated, elegant, intellectual and prominent indigenous Citizen of Eruku both home and diaspora
among them is Mr. Jide Omotinugbon who resides in USA recently spoke to Oluwaseun Publisher of BETH NEWS Magazine/Online on a phone conversation on how Eruku Progressive Union USA/CANADA Chapter reunion who has suffer set back, and how to contribute to the growth and progress of  Eruku City, because Our home is home our motherland "Ile labo sin mi oko" keep reading and enjoy yourself...    

The Meeting commenced with the Opening prayer by Mrs Janet Ojo at 5.38 PM 
while the President was said to have distributed a list around for records of general  emails and bio data of every members who in attendance, saying further this was to promote unity, interaction and a cordial relationship among all the members.

Mr Omotinugbon gave a detailed report about how the organization has been brewing since 2005  but suffers set back, in addition when addressing all members who were all seated  at their respective high tables , with immense from his heart he can authoritatively tell all the members of  Eruku Progressive Union USA/CANADA Chapter the needful of reunion the association resurface when some projects in Eruku our home town needed an immediate financial attention with a standing ovation and applause  members were said to have responded and overwhelmingly positively in their donations of which the community back home was said to have been  grateful. in respect of this it was gathered that the first  
teleconference meeting was held August 14 2016. Thereafter n
some financial contributions were sent home
Mr Omotinugbon read out a detailed account from the report he distributed to all members in the house and the total amount for the first and second round donations from USA and Canada members amounted to N4,486.380.00. Four Million Four Hundred and EightyThousand Three Hundred and Eighty Naira The president also explained that there was another donation sent sometime before June 28 but due to the upcoming reunion he did not want to bother too many members so six families from the USA and one family in Canada donated a total of $1100.00.It was donated on behalf of the group.

The main aims and objective of the union is to help our community back home, to move the community forward. It is also for us all to know one another in person and for our young adults and children to know more of their heritage, especially peaking more of their dialect, thereafter Mrs. Grace Omotinugbon said  she would like to see more of our children involved in every of our activities , Mrs. Ayeni seconded that .Mr. Aborishade in his contribution  pleaded to every members in the house on how to source for funds in Nigeria e.g laying  of water pipes, making boreholes, having vocational schools or helping in large scale farming anything along these lines that can help to create jobs back home. Mrs. Olorunnisola also brought up the idea we could help with public restroom projects.  The president said these are all great ideas and we should all think of a project or projects and this will be discussed further on the teleconference line. Most members believe all projects should be project specific  and not just vent, in the progress of the meeting Pastor Kayode Babalola brought up the electorate  of officers without further delay,
 while Mr. Jide Omotinugbon who has been acting in this capacity was unanimously elected as the president. Mrs. Bukola Olorunnishola who has been acting in this capacity was unanimously elected as treasurer/financial
secretary and Mrs Aderonke Ayeni was unanimously elected as the secretary. Mr. Thomas Abolarin who lives in Canada was also unanimously elected in absentia as the assistant secretary.
Amidst suggestions for long terms of service Mr. Omotinugbon graciously accepted to serve but stated that one 3 year term or two 2 year terms is the maximum he could do to give other capable hands the chance to serve accordingly.
The president also stated that we have our elders in Canada and the USA that we will always consult when it comes to seeking  for ideas and tangible undiluted  advices behind the scenes.
Furthermore Dr Olarewaju brought up the topic of registration while  Mr Osasona stated 501 3 c may be preferable also Pastor Babalola contributed that an accountant will be needed for transparency and accountability, without longer hesitating  Mr Aborisade and the majority of the house believed that Elder Osasona should help with the registration process as he has the experience with due legal advice from Pastor Babalola, with immediate effect  Elder Osasona got an accountant on the phone who gave different options and procedures for registration. The president stated that all the fine details and cost should be conveyed to the union at a later time by Elder Osasona.  Mrs Olorunnisola called the attention of every members in the house on how to open an account in the name of the union but it was said this can only be done as soon as the documents are available.
Atlanta GA was chosen as the headquarters of the union for proper  registration purposes.
Mrs Aborisade in her statement suggested that rotation of the reunions  will exposed our children to different geographical axis while  Mrs. Olarewaju seconded the opinion by saying it will relieve the Atlanta members. Mr. Ayeni suggested Maryland, Los Angeles or Canada for the next reunion .The unanimous decision made was Maryland. Mrs. Aborishade and Mrs. Yinka Alabi said it should be held once in two years and the whole house agreed. The next reunion will comes  the third weekend of July 2019 in Maryland.
The president stated the need for membership fees so we can have a cushion in our account and may not have the need for so much out of pocket expenses for future reunion preparations.
Membership fee was proposed by Pastor Babalola at $100 per individual including our children of 21 and up yearly and Dr Olarewaju seconded that.
There was a slight amendment towards the suggestion that only if the child is working at 21 as some children are still in college and are not yet working at that age.
The president said members should kindly remit their annual membership fee for this year by or before December of this year.
To rounded it up the president Mr. Jide Omotinugbon was said to have  recognized and awarded Mrs. Bukola Olorunnishola for her outstanding performance and dedication towards the progress of the union acclaiming her for the post of  treasurer despite her busy schedule. The president also recognized his daughter Omotola for her time and  dedication as his secretary and coming up with some  great ideas for the success of the reunion.

Dr Olarewaju told the whole house to kindly join him in giving a standing ovation to the president for his passion and dedication to duty. The whole house delightfully concurred.

In Attendance are as follows  :       
The president, Mr. Jide Omotinugbon-Presiding,Mrs Grace Omotinugbon,Mr Josiah Osasona,Mrs Grace Osasona,Dr.Ayodele Osasona,Ms Ayoola Osasona,Dr.Richard Olarewaju,Mrs Ajibike Olarewaju,Mrs Yinka Alabi,Mr.Victor Ayeni,Mrs.Aderonke Ayeni,Mr.Toyin Aborishade,Mrs Nike Aborishade,Mr Adeleke,Mrs Titilayo Adeleke,Mr Soji Babalola,Bar,Pastor Kayode Babalola,Mr Olorunnishola,Mrs Bukola Olorunnishola, Mrs Joke Ojo, Mrs Janet Ojo

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